Fast and Dramatic Delivery!!


I’m finally getting around to sharing my birth story!

(Long read)

I’m a 19 yr old FTM and I was expecting being pregnant past my due date and having a long active labor. Boy was I wrong!

Friday February 8th I woke up at around 3am with small contractions. I thought nothing of them because my due date was the 11th. I go to the bathroom and see bloody show, so I call my mom a bunch of times of course she doesn’t answer. I timed my small contractions and they where 10 minutes apart not lasting too long. As the night went on they got a tiny bit more intense I woke up my SO around 5am and told him about my contractions and my mom called me back and I told her. I bounced on my ball and tried to relax all morning and my mother in law was all worried and everything. We ended up walking around the mall until my contractions got more intense and we went to get checked around 3pm. I was still half a finger and was sent home. That night I could barely sleep. The contractions got worse. The next morning I was still having contractions all day long, went walking around the mall and ended up going to the hospital again cause they just kept getting worse. They checked and I was 1cm. I wasn’t making any progress so I was sent home again. My sister said she was going to drive the 3 hour trip to me just in case I was going to deliver. I went to my mom’s Saturday night to labor there. The contractions where so intense I couldn’t sleep. I would moan through them and then pass out for the 5 minutes in between them. I got up the next morning in so much pain. I bounced on my exercise ball between them and then get on all fours and moaned through the contractions. My mom was like maybe we should take you in and I was like no I don’t want to be disappointed and sent home. But I was timing them and they where 5 minutes apart lasting 1 minute for a good 2 hours. So my mom and sister got a shower and got ready cause they wanted to get me checked. I called my SO and said we are going. We got to the hospital around 3pm Sunday February 10th. I was 3 centimeters and they kept me. I cried out of joy and relief when they told me that. I got my epidural because I was so exhausted. They broke my water and put me on pitocin. Within 4 hours I was at 10 cm and ready to push. But I was so exhausted from no sleep and intense contractions that my baby girl’s heart rate dropped and they almost had to use the vacuum. They put an oxygen mask on me and the nurse got in my face and told me to just do it. After 45 minutes of pushing she was born at 7:54pm. Born 7lbs 2oz 20 inches long. She was so perfect! My SO was such a happy father and even cried. He was so supportive and held my leg up and told me I could do it. He thanks me everyday foe bringing her into the world.

We love our Gwendollyn Grace so much!

And here’s her now!😍