Possibly TTC? Advice needed

M • 20🌻 | army wife♥️ | dog mom🐾 |

I just need a little advice or push. I’m 17 will be 18 in 3 weeks, my boyfriend who is the same age. We both just graduated high school. I’ve been with him for over a year now, and we’ve never used protection, I’m not on birth control either. Nope, I’m not pregnant. Wherever he cums is mostly his mood, mostly it’s inside me. Our thoughts on TTC is that if it happens it happens, but he didn’t exactly want it to happen now, until recently. He says he wants kids with me in the future, I’ve wanted a baby with him for months now but respected what he wanted even though I secretly got upset everytime I started my period. Well we had sex this past ovulation dates and he came inside me. This period didn’t come the day it was expected, and I told him about it. When I got back from my trip I was on, I ended up bleeding but forgot to mention it to him. When I came home and we laid down for bed, he says to me while rubbing my stomach “how’s the baby?” And it seriously took me off guard. It made my heart drop and kind of angry with him because me and him both promised to not bring it up because I want it and he doesn’t want it now. But after he said that I told him I started bleeding and he says “doesn’t mean we stop trying.” I didn’t even know we were trying in the first place.! So sorry for the long book I just wanted to get it off my chest and also want some advice and help on how to make conceiving easier. I know we are young but both of our parents were teens as well, we have pretty good head on our shoulders, we both have money, he leaves for the military in 5 weeks.. I do have a car, and I am getting my own place soon. But any tips on how to conceive? I heard that if you put your legs up and not let the fluids come out that helps because whenever we are done I always sit up and let it come out on a towel or something. Does the propping legs up method work?