My fiance doesnt want me

Since we had our still born angel at 26 weeks l have grieved and wanted to try again. I have 2 kids at the moment and moved across country to be closer to family as my fiance works abroad. We went back to being intimate with each other about 7 weeks after our loss amd things were great. He now comes home for a week every month but refuses to be intimate with me. I do wish we xould try again, but since feb to now he doesnt even touche me, although he acts normal with me. One day l begged to know the reason he stopped making love to me and he said he thinks l only want him to have a baby, but since our loss l dont bring up wanting another baby because he doesnt ever speak to me about what happend. He said he feels grief too but that we handle it in different ways. I tried to convince him that l didnt want him just to have another baby, but that l actually missed him and just wanted to feel that connection with him again. Now when he comes home we sleep in the same bed, he hugs me, but l feel so upset with him because l know he doesnt want anything more. I do miss him, l feel heartbroken that he doesnt want me that way anymore and also heartbroken that l will never have another chance of having another baby. I have a great relationship with him and our kids as a family, but we are young and no longer have an intimate relationship. I dont know how to feel or what to do.