When is itchy too itchy?


Hi there! 34 weeks pregnant and just looking for some first hand experience.

I’m generally unconcerned with things...as I have had a pretty smooth pregnancy. But I never want to take things too easy that I miss something potentially important. For the past 3-4 days/nights, I have been extremely uncomfortable. My feet and legs have felt like lead and are SO ITCHY. I don’t have any noticeable rash, but I feel like I’m rubbing my skin raw. It’s definitely the worst at night when I go to lay down.

I know a general amount of weirdness and discomfort is normal, but how itchy is too itchy?

My cousin had cholestasis, but I feel like she was itchy everywhere and had a couple other symptoms. As far as I know, itchiness is my only symptom.

Were any of you itchy during pregnancy just because? Or did you have cholestasis and how did you figure it out?