40+4 and not dilated 😭


Had my checkup yesterday— about 50% effaced, no dilation so we could not do a sweep but the midwife said that my cervix was “dimpled” and that baby was at about -2 station.

FTM— Are these decent stats? I know it could change at any time and quickly. But it’s still looking like we’re having a June baby 🤦🏻‍♀️

Also: any contractions have been completely sporadic in timing and not very long/painful. Have had several BMs a day the past few days and Tuesday seemed like I was losing chunks of plug but no bloody show which makes sense if I’m not dilated.

One of the midwives on the team did recommend castor oil, in a small dosage, as long as I stay hydrated and fed and don’t overdo it—so we’re thinking about trying that Saturday morning if no action by then. I’ve always been against it but I’ve been doing some research and there truly is no solid proof that it causes issues for baby, if done correctly and only at full term.