Am I being slutty?

I’m 25 and have been sexually active from 19.

I was with my ex for 2 years and I’ve been single 8 months now.

In the time I was active before our relationship I’d been intimate with 10 guys and was always cautious of who they were.

My ex had only EVER been with one girl before me as he was in a 6 year relationship before we got together.

He always made me feel like I was dirty while I was with him because I was sexually active with generally anyone before him due to his insecurities.

Anyway, since I’ve been single I’ve slept with 7 guys.

In saying that, for me it’s more, I was always so “moral” driven before our relationship and now I’m sort of like “what’s the point, I still was made to feel dirty, so why not just have fun?”

I was with a guy tonight and I’m like, “am I being slutty?”


What are all you ladies opinions on this?