This post long as hell lmao.


I don't think anybody pays my posts any mind so this is for me pretty much lol.

Glow predicts my AF to come in 9 days

Idk if I really got my period on the 11th or not, but ever since the 14th it's been a wild ride. 😩

Lots of never before experienced symptoms, lowkey scary lol, and constant varying discomfort allll these weeks til today. Almost a month of BULLSHIT and 4 BFN's... 1 made a blue evap line after the timeframe 🤣

"AF" came 2 days early and was start/stop for 3 days. Right after i had:

•2 days of killer migraines I had to be in complete darkness to eat or even live lol.

• then I had crippling back pain for half of the next day, and by the time I was closing the salon, I started spotting. Really light pink only when I wiped. Spotted that day and the next then it stopped.

Ever since then I've dealt with at differenttimes or gradually:

• slight nausea

• slight indigestion

• constipation

• slight/dull cramps

• feeling like AF is coming any day

• bloating

• gas

• vibrating vagina 😂 like it felt so weird

• moody the first few days

• pelvic pressure/ heaviness that's weird & i feel it when I stand.

• tugging or muscle spasms? In my pelvis

•and noooooow for the past 2 days if i bend to the side slightly, stretch, etc., i feel a pulling sorta tugging inside like wtf

I always realize symptoms later after it's been going on a while cuz i always think im tripping.

**UPDATE 6/3**

Feeling less of all the crazy shit... which makes me feel crazier... cuz I know I wasn't imagining or making shit up. 5 days til AF and I'm just trying to shake my usual thoughts. My whole life I've always felt like I CAN'T get pregnant. I can't explain why, but having to go through shit like this makes me feel like I'm right. Every time I go on social media or go outside I see pregnant bellies and announcements and babies and it's starting to hurt... not that I'm rushing it I know "I have time" but fuck it I can feel how I feel.

Then I start thinking about if I have fibroids or some shit... but why allbthese symptoms? What the fuck is happening to my body lol. I'm tired of this shit.

5 days..

**UPDATE 6/5**

Sooo after a day of barely being able to have a bm yesterday, this morning after ignoring a few alarms, I suddenly had to GO. I thought I just had to pee 😬 not feelin sick or stomach hurting or anything, but i go to the bathroom and erthang going on fine. I'm about to be done when vomit just throws me forward to the sink in front of me. Just straight up bile. Why. After that i was jittery & hot, and the rest of the day i been nauseous and in my pelvis area i feel achy/crampy feeling like.. tiny bit sore?? tiny shock feelings in random spots too..

Also i made a herbal tea spray and put it in an old spray bottle from another product that i cleaned out. Today for the first time i could smell the old spray smell SO fucking strong in my bf beard andwe were outside! it didnt stink but i was like why tf is it so strong and even with the actual product in it I never felt it was strong like this. So now i feel crazy to make something out of nothing

3 days...