Does anyone else have this problem?

Any adults out there freak themselves out that something might be under their bed even though they know there's not? I know nothing could fit under my bed and it is irrational to randomly be nervous that something might be there but in the dark when I'm in bed alone it's hard to ignore the idea that something could be there. When I can't get a creepy image out of my mind I won't put my hand or feet over the edge. I'm not afraid or anything like that but in my mind I keep seeing a really creepy dead/drowned face in my mind like from a horror movie just popping up from the side, I don't watch scary movies though. Im not scared or lose sleep, it just makes me really nervous/on edge. Anyone else ever have a problem like this? I'm 27 and feel so silly for this that I haven't even said anything to my husband. 🙈

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