17 weeks ~ where did this bump come from?!

I keep telling my husband I feel a little self conscious about how big it is for only 17 weeks. Almost everyone I see is smaller, but I know I shouldn’t compare since people all carry differently. Anyone else feeling like they must be growing a giant?

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Posted at
17 weeks and I feel the same way - everyone I see is smaller. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sway • May 31, 2019
Due date buddy 😂 but you look beautiful


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I look about the same as you and I’m 17 weeks too!


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Feel like a whale 🐳 at 17 weeks.


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I started showing at 12 weeks and have always felt so much bigger than everyone else. This was me at 17 weeks and me now, at 21 weeks.


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I feel the same!!! I’m almost 12 weeks and everyone keeps saying “it’s just bloating you’re not showing yet” like I know what bloating is, this is not what my stomach looks/feels like when it’s bloated lol


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Girl that’s how I felt but towards the end I slowed and a lot of people said I looked small at 9 months! 🤷🏻‍♀️I think you look 🔥!!!!!


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Wowza... look at that Gorgeous bump! You are slim so it will notice more - just own it you look beautiful ☺️😘