To the woman with the new mom bod...

Emily • Momma to Miss Emma!

In 5 months I have lost 53 pounds. I have surpassed my pre pregnancy weight and I'm working toward my main goal which was 65 pounds lost in 2019.

Today, a girl that literally doesn't even know me said "I dont know if you need to hear it, but I'm proud of you..."

She will never know how much it meant to hear that, let alone from a stranger!

My body is so different after carrying my baby. And even without all the extra weight, it will never be the same. It will never be what it was. I've mourned that thought, but I've let it go. My body created, nurtured, and delivered the absolute BEST thing in my life, my sweet baby girl. My body is STRONG and can withstand immeasurable amounts of pain and stress, and for that I am thankful. Time to start loving this body that has given me so much, and continue to improve it daily.

To you other mommas out there struggling to love that new body of yours- I see you. I'm proud of you. Even if no one else has told you lately... You ARE enough. You DO enough. You are worthy. Don't let anyone make you feel less than that, ever.