Car dealership created fake credit report


Went to dealership with my mom and at our last visit we were working on financing through bank. Dealership then claimed my mom trying to help was a straw purchase and illegal and they’d have to run my credit. I have lower credit and we knew I wouldn’t be approved. Sales guy wrote my social down and gave to finance guy. Finance guy came back and presented a paper and how my car I’ve been paying for 30 months hasn’t been reported and my score is 433. Went on how they’ve never had a case like this and asked if my payments were going to a payday loan place. I changed my first and last name and offered to show my court papers as they kept asking if the loan was under someone else’s name. Also the dealership commented on how fruity one guy was cause he had acrylic nails.

Looked at the 3 companies and all my payments were being recorded and my score was 100 higher. My mom texted the sales man cell and he still hasn’t replied. For someone who claimed to be so honest, I would’ve rathered if he said we don’t want to do business with you. What should we do since they showed a fake paper work and lied

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