Would you be hurt too?

Alicia • 22• Michigan

My one cousin who I’m very close to although we don’t talk all the time forgot my birthday to the point she still hasn’t acknowledged my birthday.

I talked to her 2 days before my birthday so I figured my chat would still be close to the top on her Snapchat. I had her blocked from seeing my story cuz of personal reasons but I unblocked it and posted about my birthday so she would see it. I don’t think she ended up seeing it. But, I also had tagged her in a post on my story on insta of a pic I posted a year ago on my birthday but she never looked at it. I don’t think she goes on Instagram very often but I posted several times on my birthday on Instagram.

I haven’t said anything to her about it cuz I was kinda hoping today she’d say something to me. I think she blocked me from seeing her story (she doesn’t know I blocked her) cuz on my old account I can see her story but not on my current. And today she posted about some girl she knows birthday.

Now I’m not the best with birthdays as I only have a few birthdays memorized. I try to put them in my phone but I don’t have a lot yet. However i always tell her happy birthday on her bday. And I know it’s not a big deal but she’s my family, I don’t want a present just an acknowledgment of my birthday cuz my 18th is a big deal. At least in my family. I get it she forgot but snapchat tells you when it’s someone’s bday and I have mine set to my bday so it showed her and I posted it on insta and snap so idk. When I saw she posted some other girls birthday my heart kinda dropped.. my feelings are hurt, I’m not gonna say anything to her I don’t want to be rude and say “you know Wednesday was my birthday” like I’d feel rude saying that. She’s one of the few cousins (she’s a year older than me) around my age who I’m very close to but I don’t get to see her often cuz she lives in Indiana and I live in Michigan so it’s 4 ish hours away.

I completely understand forgetting someone’s birthday as I have to be reminded of peoples birthdays. But a few years ago on my birthday I visited for my other cousins grad and they knew it was on the day of my birthday. I’m not mad my feelings are hurt. Cuz I posted it on insta I thought for sure she’d see or maybe her mom would remind her or something. Idk how would you guys feel? I’m gonna move on from it but I just now saw her post about the other girls birthday and that’s why my feelings are hurt

I didn’t block her Snapchat I stopped her from being able to see my story