Adoption or Become a Parent


So, I’m 25wks pregnant. I’m almost 20, married, and living in Hawaii with my husband who serves in the Army. I graduated high school last June. I haven’t started College yet, because I was unsure of what I wanted to do and I’ve been saving up. I finally made up my mind with what I wanted to do career-wise. I was taking birth control, but switched brands for several reasons. Late February I found out I was pregnant. Abortion wasn’t an option for a few reasons: 1. Tricare wouldn’t cover it. 2. It was too late for the pill which was $800, my next best bet was the in clinic procedure which is $3,500. 3. I wasn’t comfortable with the thought of the in-clinic. I told my husband from the start that I wanted to put my child up for adoption for several reasons. I haven’t started school, financially we’re comfortable, but I’d like to be better, I feel like I’d be letting my family down, and I’m not sure I want to be a parent. I love children, but I never really thought about having my own. I come from a family where most of the women had children from ages 16-21. Which is very young. I never wanted to be like that. I wanted to establish a life for myself first. I also don’t think my husband wants a baby. He’s 24 and a bit immature. I don’t doubt that he’d be a great father, I just don’t want him to resent me in anyway because I personally don’t think he’s ready. I don’t know if we’re ready to give up our “alone” time together just yet. I have a lot of mixed emotions and I don’t know who to turn to. I haven’t told any family, just my two close friends. Has anyone else been in a similar situation? Or any motherly advice?