I thought i was 6ish weeks but actually 5? No fetal pole.

Midnight Society

Little bit of background. My last period was April 15th. I thought I was about 6 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I saw my first very faint positives on test as early as May 14th. I had my first doctor appointment on Tuesday. They didn't do an ultrasound and had me scheduled a week later. I was spotting brown durving vagainal exam. Had 2 days of spotting so went to the er. They did a vaginal ultrasound and said that I'm actually around 5 weeks they believe. There is a gestational sac and yolk sac. No fetal pole or baby. Is this normal? Also did I ovulate later than I thought?? I'm so worried now. I was expecting to see a 6 week baby! They also told me I had a uti. Did that effect things? He said my hcg level was 1070. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad. I'm just upset now and don't know what to think. Why get positives so early on tests if I wasn't really that far along? I feel miserable now. Anyone else going through something similar?