Baby Gender


June 28th we find out the gender of our little one. July 2nd we're holding a baby shower with the gender reveal in it and my husband and I are so excited. We're both actually hoping it's a girl. So far, everyone thinks it's a girl with few hoping for a boy.

1. I wanted to see what everyone else's thoughts might be on the gender considering all the old wives tales and whatnot about gender related topics. I had no symptoms at all and had no idea I was pregnant for the first month and a half. We found out March 20th. I broke down crying because I was so happy while my husband sat in shock then decided to text everyone on his side of the family and close friends. We left my family out for reasons. Then around the 2nd week of April is when it all hit me at once. I was getting sick at least every other day, the over heating, the breast tenderness, swelling, everything. What do you all think the gender might be??

2. I'll be posting the before, during, and aftermath of the gender reveal part to show everyone what we planned out for it 😂 it's going to be one fun time.

Also, pics from standing and laying down, this baby enjoys being on the right side for some reason. I'm 15 weeks almost 16 weeks along.

We decided on Xxavier Alexander for a boy and Blake Weiss for a girl. What do y'all think??