Can’t believe it


So I’ve been talking to and dating this guy for almost 2 years now, we haven’t been the best but it was enough for me to stay, today I went to the hospital for an allergic reaction to latex and found out he gave me chlamydia. I just don’t know how to feel I’m overly upset I haven’t stopped crying and it’s been 8 hours. I just feel so used and betrayed it sucks that I’ve put so much time an effort into something just for this. I can’t help but feel like if I wasn’t enough that he had to sleep around and now feel overly ignorant for trusting him because this is what happens. Lead on and now with sti, I know this post may be a bit tmi, I just don’t know where to turn for support, I’m too embarrassed to go to my family. I just don’t know what to do, I have decided to end things with him immediately and on top of everything just feel broken to have to let him go. I just don’t know what else to do, or what to do in general 😪