Makes me glad I'm a mum

Gina_Mum of 🧒👧👦👼👼🐕

Connor, at 8pm, today 31 May, yes 8.5 month old Connor looked at me square in the face with a finger in his mouth and said "mum" not once but 3 times. The second time when he was in my arms and I was watching my chick flick my husband and I were in awe, the third time he said it was when I changed his nappy and put on his pyjamas again, he looked right at me. "Mum"... and of course my 33 year old self was in disbelief at how smart, how selfless such a little being of 8 kilos can be.. immediately I don't regret my monitoring sessions as he was breach, the c section birth, the hormones and the hubby fights, the grueling breast is best nurses who looked down on me for formula feeding... The constant advice here there and everywhere or the Dr. Who said I'm a child sized who will never get pregnant... I'm so glad now my life is better I get to party with my little family tomorrow I've gained more weight than when I was pregnant and my son is healthy, growing amazingly and can talk now.. yay you..!!