Son never sleeps


I need help 😭😭 my son never sleeps. He'll be 8 months old June 1st and his naps are short, he goes to bed at about 8:30, sleeps great till about 1 AM and then he wakes up 4-5 times throughout the night and hes wide awake at 5/5:30 AM, and then naps again at about 7:45. I have a 2 year old as well who goes to bed at 9/9:30, and sleeps till 8:30 so it sucks having to be up at 5 AM and then he's sleeping at 7:45 and I cant really lay down with him long enough for a decent nap because it takes me a while to fall asleep and my toddler will be up soon.

I tried a homeopathic sleep regression medicine called Quietude that I used for my 2 year olds sleep regressions because I just thought it was sleep regressions since he used to be a great sleeper and he was waking up at 4 AM at one point, he seemed to be getting a little better, and it says to stop using it after you see progress after a few days, so I stopped, but hes still waking up at 5 AM and hes still getting up through the night. Some nights he'll be wide awake at 2 AM for like half an hour to 45 minutes.

I never really had this bad of an issue with my toddler as her sleep regressions were more of her not wanting to fall asleep, she was a great sleeper right from the beginning, she even slept in her own crib in her own room from a month old, she wouldnt stay asleep in our room. We tried it with our son and he screams in his own room but will at least sleep in his crib in ours but wont cosleep either.