Pumping/getting milk in


With my first child I had a very hard time with breast feeding and the pain and my little one just would not latch, so I pumped for three months and barely could get 2 to 3 oz each time. I knew that even thay little bit was beneficial to her, but I always felt like I was letting her down not being able to provide more for her.

4 years later, i have a 6 week old and I was determined to try harder to breastfeed. The first week was hard, my milk wasnt coming in very fast and he was jaundice and losing weight, so I pumped again. It also was very painful to have him latch on my right breast ( I have huge nipples and areolas the size of a small apple almost). I still breastfeed on my left, for some reason it doesnt hurt on that side, but the left is the low producing breast. I get maybe 2 oz, if that.

Anyway, I'm doing my best to.pump as much as I can for him, but still struggle with how much comes in. I get about enough to feed him breast milk at every other feeding. (I've been supplementing).

Any tips from my fellow Pumpers on ways to.get more milk from these silly boobs??? :)