If you love your dog do you let him bark for hours


my grandmas neighbor has had two dogs since she lives there. The first dog, chance, would bark CONSTANTLY. They literally left there dog outside allllll day. This dog barked until he was horse. Not even exaggerating. He sounded super aggressive if anyone went outside by the fence it got worse!!! Finally my grandfather started feeding the dog treats and bought a high pitch anti barker. Every time the dog barked the dog would hear the high pitched dog only whistle noise. We complained to everyone several times the neighbor felt that it was not ok to do a shock collar or anything... but it’s fine to let your dog bark all day. This dog started at 530am everyday until 6pm when someone got home to let the dog inside. Now that dog passed/ they get a puppy! Oh my god. They left that dog in the garage for four months barking and whining everyday all day. Then moved him outside he. Does. The. Same. Shit. My grandma is selling her house literally to move away from the dogs. So my question is if you love your dog do you let the dog bark alllll day or even for a couple hours at a time?

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