I don’t know what she expects me to do

Alicia • 22• Michigan

I have my graduation today but we gotta get stuff together for my party tomorrow so we are kinda stressed. My mom told me to look for her camera in her room by her closet. She’s got a giant mount of clothes and several comforters so I moved all the comforters and put them on her bed and moved all her clothes around but couldn’t find the bag she said it was in. then she told me to look in our living room so I went where she said it would be and moved everything around. I found it where she didn’t tell me to look but her camera was not inside it. So she told me to look in her room again. I did. I have like 5 times now. She hasn’t looked at all. Mind you it’s obvious she can’t remember if it’s in a backpack or just in the camera bag, how am I supposed to help her look if she can’t even remember where she put it. I’ve looked everywhere she told me to look. We don’t exactly have time to do much we have to get my hair done at noon and leave by 1:30 cuz it’s an hour and a half drive. She had it last in March last year when we went to Alaska so idk where she put it. And I was frustrated so I was yelling back that idk what she wants me to do and that I can’t help her look because I’ve already looked where she told me to and can’t find it. She doesn’t NEED her camera she wants it but she’s mad at me for not being able to find it when it wasn’t even in the bag she thought it was. Our house isn’t the cleanest so it’s easy to lose stuff so obviously something like your expensive camera should go somewhere where you can remember where it is. I got so mad I punched the wall but she doesn’t even know I did, the wall isn’t damaged but my hand hurts. I’m so frustrated and she’s stressed which means she’s gonna scream at me about everything. I’m already anxious to the point I threw up and it’s not making it any better and when I was yelling back about how I’ve looked everywhere she told me to look and how I tried to help which btw when she sent me to look I did it without question but it was not where she said it was and I can’t do anything about it. As I was looking through the room she was like “what’re you doing” and I was like “looking for the backpack” cuz she said it was in a green backpack. Idk where her damn camera is and it’s not my fault she didn’t put it sowhere she can remember and I can’t read her mind I can only look where she tells me to and I have. I’m beyond stressed out right now. On top of that she dropped the Oreo truffles we made yesterday on the floor so now we gotta make more which we don’t have a lot of time. This is supposed to be a good day and it’s turning out to be a disaster. She got mad and was like “find your own way to Lansing” cuz she does that when she’s pissed even tho she’s literally the only one who can take me. She said “ask your dad” but my dads not gonna get here till 2:30 and then it’s 100 miles to the school from the airport and I gotta be there by 3:30 so that would not work. And also she knows I hate my dad so it pisses me off when she suggests it. I just don’t know what to do nothing I ever do is good enough for her