Advice ?

Honestly idk where to begin. I’m 19, stuck in a relationship that’s bittersweet. I love my bf and our child, but I often just reminisce on the past and wonder how it’d be rn. I had no guidance growing up so I grew up lost and too soon. My bf works 25/8 and I’m stuck all day everyday with our baby. (Not that I’m complaining bc I love being with her) But when I ask for a little break it’s always a problem. I understand he works hard but so do I. On top of that, I’ve had surgeries non stop. And I don’t get a break at all. He gets to leave when he wants, get in the car and listen to music as loud as he wanted, sleep without being interrupted, shower for however long, eat when he feels like it. I just wanna break down and cry most of the time. I feel trapped and alone. The sex is horrible- he only wants to pleasure himself. I feel like I’m living a nightmare that never ends. I’ve talked about this to him countless times and it’s always the same thing. And when our baby calms down for me and now him he gets mad at me. Like wtf do you expect? You never wanna spend time her smh. I’m sex deprived - constantly thinking about my last sexual encounters and how much fun it was &Sleep deprived. Honestly , if I knew then what I know now, I would stay a kid for as long as possible . This shit is no fun! :( but as for how I’m feeling I’m not sure of what to do, because I don’t want my child to lose her father, I really love him.. he’s just not being the man I fell in love with a few years ago :/ he’s changed into a completely different person. And I’m a stay at home mom, even if I wanted to leave I have nothing . My family is far it’s just me and my little family..

(SN : no negative Nancy’s please ; if you aren’t open minded please don’t comment on this post. Thanks )