UPDATED: Shocked &Confused! How is it Positive?!?

Melissa • Married October 2017, TTC #1 since Oct 2017, MC baby #1@9 weeks 10/31/2018, PCOS treating using Femara

Today is my projected ovulation date in Glow. Cycle day 16.... we are on our 20th month of TTC #1. We lost our last pregnancy at 9 weeks on 10/31/18 and have done multiple medicated cycles since then. We have our reproductive endocrinology appointment literally two weeks from today and have taken the last three months off of the medications.

I felt like I was ovulating (I had slight bleeding/wiped a small amount of blood) so I took two ovulation tests yesterday and they were both very positive. I have had ovulation bleeding in the past so this was not abnormal.

I took another ovulation test this morning and it was positive with another wipe of blood. Something in me said take the 88cent Walmart cheapie test. Within 2 minutes I could see a faint line. No squinting no holding it up to the light. I took a cheapie test strip and saw a faint line... I freaked out... they must be wrong. I looked for a First Response... didn’t have any.... I did have three digital Clear Blues so I thought wow this is going to be a waste. I watched every section blink and boom! Pregnant popped up in under 2 minutes (and we all know those take forever!)

I’m so confused. I tested 5-15-19 and it was negative and I got my period that same day. It was truly a period so I don’t think this is from that cycle. This month I am on cycle day 16!!!! Only on day 16!?!? Did I ovulate super early?!? I am just shocked.

I NEED an HCG beta test and a blood draw for progesterone. My OBGYNs office is closed today.... Monday morning I am going to be first in line to get that taken care of. My doctor knows and agreed we can start tracking early due to the loss.

My husband is going to be stunned. I literally sobbed. I am beyond shocked.

What do you all think is going on? Super early ovulation? Start of a miscarriage from last cycles undetected pregnancy?

I am so confused. Cross your fingers for us please. It’s been such a long journey.

UPDATE 6/3/19-Monday 4:05 PM EST

I went to the obgyn today. They are also confused if this is from this cycle or the prior cycle. We all agreed to draw blood for an HSG and Progesterone level check. I am waiting for a call back from the doctors office now. It’s been 5 hours since the blood draw and I have my second beta scheduled for Wednesday morning at 8:45 am EST.

I continued to test all weekend... of course. And the lines sort of held steady.... it’s playing with my mind. I took a test this morning and again one this afternoon because it just helped calm my anxiety. The bottom one here is this morning and the top one is this afternoon. I have had intermittent red and brown wipes of blood all weekend and into today still.

As soon as I know my first BETA numbers I will post. Thank you all for such amazing support and encouragement. Love ya.

I will of course update after Wednesday as well after the 2nd BETA and Friday after the 3rd BETA.

5:30pm- 1st HCG Beta: 69. The doctor wants to see a 140 or more on Wednesday.

Progesterone draw: 0.8... crazy low. Waiting to hear back about a script to bring that up. Fingers crossed. This likely explains the bleeding.

UPDATE 6-5-19 for BETA #2

6:25 PM and the doctors office didn’t call me. 😢 I’ve been waiting all day. I went and did the blood draw this morning at 8:45 am and was told I would be called today. I’m dying inside.

Today 6/5/19 was the expected due date for my last pregnancy that ended in miscarriage on 10/31/18... I was really hoping to bring some joy to today with great news. Will update tomorrow when I know my numbers.

7:30 pm!!!! Doctor called. He said he’s been on call all day and was sorry for the delay.

Beta #2 came in at 132!!!

It hadn’t been a perfect 48 hours since the test so I entered it into an HCG doubling calculator with the 46 hours between tests and poof!!! Our double rate is 49 hours instead of 48. Dr said it looks right on track and will check again on Friday.

I am so elated and yet still cannot believe it’s true.

Will update again on Friday 6/7/19.

UPDATE for BETA #3. 6/7/2019

I went in for the blood draw at 8am this morning. As of 8:25 Pm... no phone call with the results. I will check my online account tomorrow to see if results post or I will have to wait until Monday to know our third beta numbers.


Monday 6-10-19 update with BETA 3 results:

The doctor called and my numbers were 173. They did not double. He has hope... but everything in the Google universe says to prepare for the worst. He was hopeful because it did increase so we aren’t out yet.

I have a 4th BETA blood draw scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday 6-11-19) and he promises he will call that same day.

We have our infertility appointment scheduled for Friday so this test will determine if we go to it or cancel it. I have no bleeding or cramping so we are crossing our fingers. I am still taking my progesterone pills and my husband is holding out hope. I’m protecting my ❤️.

I will update you all tomorrow afternoon... please think of us. Thank you all for the continued support. I am so grateful for every comment and every well wish. Sending it all back out you. Baby dust everyone!

UPDATE Wednesday 6-12-19

The doctor called and said my HCG was at 374... it was four days between draws so it should have been more like 700-1000 at this point. He fears it’s an ectopic pregnancy and I have an ultrasound scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10:45 am so we can find what’s going on.

He thinks the pregnancy is abnormal, Non-viable and likely in my Fallopian tube.

Not the update we wanted. I will have more info on this saga tomorrow. 😢

UPDATE 6-14-19

Met with our Infertility doctor. She is amazing. We have absolute faith in her. She said if we want more than one child we need to consider

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

as soon as possible. She’s deeply concerned about my current HCG rising but the pregnancy is not viable. Will complete another HCG Blood Draw 6-18-19.

UPDATE 6-18-19

Ultrasound: the pregnancy was not found anywhere. Nothing in my uterus, Fallopian tubes or ovaries.... the doctor classified it as a “Pregnancy of Unknown Location”

BETA Draw #5 today-750 HCG level.

Our infertility doctor called and said we need to proceed with a D&C and perhaps the Methotrexate injection if the biopsy of the D&C does not show the abnormal pregnancy was found and removed from the uterus. D&C Scheduled 6-19-19 at 3 pm.

6-19-19 UPDATE- D&C with Biopsy Results

Today my infertility doctor performed a D&C. The scrape was sent to the lab for biopsy. The pregnancy was not found in the uterine lining. The ultrasound today did not show the pregnancy in my uterus, tubes or ovaries.... it’s just floating around goodness knows where. Tomorrow I have another blood draw, I will receive the Rhogam shot since I am A- and then I will received the Methotrexate shot to stop any rapidly dividing cells... I will update again after the injections tomorrow.