I'm so close to quitting 😭

Natalie • 25|| Married to my best friend♥️|| Elijah 3/19 ♥️ Baby #2 11/22 || Born-again Christian||

So, I exclusively pump and my nipples are chapped, cracked, tender and sore. My son is 2 months old now and I'm so close to giving up. It hurts so friggin bad atm. Not all the time when I pump but ugh. Breastfeeding just didn't work because I was getting frustrated because my boobs are huge and he was getting frustrated so we switched to the bottle early on. I just don't know what to do and he wants to be held/near me so when I'm trying to pump he's wailing and ufjrjrjrjrmr 😭😭😭 Part of me wants to try taking up nursing again but I love the freedom that the bottle provides and just... y'all I don't know what to do. I almost wish my supply would dry up so I would have to use formula..