Dark red blood turned into C section



I was laying down when all of a sudden I felt something warm and it was dark red blood I immediately got dressed with my SO told my 11 year old son to sleep because school night let my roommate know to watch over my son and went straight to L&D.

I’ve been in observation since last night blood pressure was high and they ran blood test to see what causing the bleeding .

They did a sonogram on baby and he is fine and healthy


UPDATE : they gave me steroids yesterday to help mature baby lungs if he was to be delivered early everything was fine up to this morning when BP spiked and I started bleeding again they say it might be that the planceta it’s detaching from uterine wall/cervix

Staying in hospital now set to have c section this Tuesday when baby turns 37 weeks hopefully I can make it Doctor says so baby can be full term 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Baby is still fine and healthy

UPDATE: came home on Tuesday 5/28

after being in the hospital for a week makes one goes crazy ..


Saturday morning I started bleeding again and with clots nurse saw and immediately told Dr. Dr said we doing c section now.

So they prepped me for a c section thought everything was going good until they couldn’t pull out my baby .. they had to use so much pressure to make the baby come out I was getting so scared and nervous at the point. Baby came out crying and screaming I was relieved. He was born 5/25/19 a day before my birthday he didn’t want to share birthdays lol but i was happy my baby was here despite him being early and safe.

Doctors called him little peanut 🥜 and said he gave them so much trouble he didn’t want to come out yet. I was so drowsy I got put on magnesium for preeclampsia. Had to stay in recovery for two days by third I went to a room with windows ! This was heaven for me. Recovery room had no windows and it was so depressing.

Turns out the next day they told me he had his umbilical cord wrapped around him three times. I thank God he was ok 🙏🏻

My SO was so good staying up all night with him making sure he was ok. He didn’t have to stay in NICU or anything he turned out fine.

My beautiful baby boy


4lbs 10oz

He so tiny but omg I’m over the moon with him