I loved reading other stories while waiting for our bubs so thought I would share mine

I loved reading other stories while waiting for our bubs so thought I would share mine...
Our little Autumn baby finally decided to join us on the last day of May 💕
We were due on 29th May and I had no signs of anything to do with labour leading up to this date. On the 29th the doctor tried to do a stretch and sweep but I was 0cm dilated so she really just palpated my cervix.
Thursday morning I went to yoga and for a walk and was just chilling in the afternoon at about 4pm when I felt my waters break- only a small amount and mild contractions started.... I called the hospital and they said to come in to get checked. My hubby came home from work and we went in at about 6:30pm.
I had been continuing to have blood stained fluid leak and contractions were getting stronger and they said I was 2cm dilated. We opted to go home to labour for a bit longer... which I was glad as it was more comfortable for us and got home by 8:30pm.
My contractions were getting a lot stronger and closer together and I used the tens machine, heat pack and hot shower to help manage the pain. At about midnight my contractions changed from pain to feeling the need to push and we called the hospital and told them we were coming in. 
I’m not gonna lie, the 15min car journey was difficult and I was very happy to see the hospital.
As soon we arrived the midwife took us to the delivery suite and we quickly discussed a water birth. She filled the tub and we were off.... I prob spent 20-30 mins in the bath but felt I wanted something different so got out and sat on the toilet and used the birthing stool. I prob spend an hour of pushing as I really didn’t know what I was doing but at 2:41am our little Angus Fletcher Crabtree arrived weighing 7lb 15 and 49cm long. 
I managed to labour and push without any medications and although it was very painful, I feel with the support of the midwife and my gorgeous husband was able to deliver our little bub without asking for anything (although I did start to doubt myself toward the end of pushing and needed continuous reassurance). I ended up with a 1st degree tear and a stitch or 2 but what an adventure it was.
Welcome to the world baby Gus, we are soooo happy to be your parents.
Good luck to all the mummas who are yet to meet their bubba- I can’t wait to read your stories