Not sure I’m in the right group but...


Hello. I’m sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong group. Please let me know and I’ll post else where.

I had an ultrasound today, and given my last period which I know for a fact that the first day was April 2nd, I should be 8 weeks 4 days but the baby is only measuring 6 weeks 3 days. The heartbeat was normal, and everything else looked normal. My doc said I most likely just ovulated later then I thought. I was on birth control prior to getting pregnant. I stopped taking it because we wanted another baby , and after that following period it happened! I was shocked it happened so quick. Anyway, she said I either ovulated later or I could be having a miscarriage OR the baby could be small and there may be a problem with my pregnancy. My question is, have any of you other mommies been through this? How did it turn out? I am going back in a week for another ultrasound to check on the baby’s growth. I am not and have not been bleeding, I have cramps but figured that was just my body doing it’s thing for another pregnancy (this is my 4th) I have terrible morning sickness all day so she said that was a good sign. But I’ve never been through this before so I’m just kinda worrying! Any other mommies been through this? What was the outcome? Good or bad. Tia!

Also can we talk about how that little baby looks like a duck 🤣🤣