Starting to really lose it


Anyone else stir crazy as hell? Lol like I love all my children and I know newborn phase doesn’t last long but I’m going nuts. Every day is the sameeeee. Go to bed early as shit, 8:30pm. Feed every 1-2 hours. 2 yr old comes to my room 2am and wants to sleep with me, never fails lol and wake up get oldest off to the bus and feed again and again and again. Haven’t cleaned since I was pregnant. I pretty much do laundry every damn day, only thing I can manage to get done. I’m just exhausted. I barley leave the house, of course it’s better now than when he was first born but still 🤪🤪🤪 my husband gets home around 6:30 so we have like no time together before I get to bed. No adult interaction. Time flies so I cherish all this. Soon enough I’ll be going back to work and miss the hell outta this!!!