Mouth problems help


So for 1.5 weeks ive woken up and had a really dry mouth and R side of throat hurting when swallowed. When I drank water after an hour it went away, it started to progress to all day but only hurt when I swallowed and primarily on my R side at start of throat like where tonsils would be. I seen a doctor and strep throat came back negative he still gave me antibiotics though. I took them as prescribed and it went away. But just recently it came back

So far it's in the morning only, but the new thing is I used to have yellow spots on tougne (it has gone away since I've focused on brushing my tougne extra well) but now I have small cracks on edge of tougne, it's sore, and no matter what I eat I get a chemically aftertaste like someone put soap in my mouth what do you think is going on? I plan to go back to the doctors but just looking for hypotheses. (I do not smoke or anythibg like that)