June4 baby born May 26!


I went to the dr on Thursday for a routine check and had some high blood pressure. They wanted me to do a non stress test. After I did that they took my blood pressure again and it had went down a bit so they weren’t too concerned but told me to keep an eye on it. Friday comes around and I feel just fine. I take my blood pressure throughout the day and it’s normal! Saturday morning I wake up and don’t feel the greatest and I am a bit swollen on my feet and ankles. So I take my blood pressure and it high. I keep an eye on it throughout out the day and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better. So I relax most of the day and take it around 445pm and it’s 175/108. I call the triage nurse who calls my dr and calls me back. They want me to go to labor and delivery to get check out. They end up admitting me right then and there. I meet with the dr that is on call and she wants to induce me. So they gave me some pills that with start to soften my cervix( I was already dilated 2.5 cm) around 9pm and again at 4 am. Sunday morning around the dr comes in and checks me and say I’m at 3.5. They see that I have contractions that are about 3-4 minutes apart but not painful (at least to me they weren’t) and they start me on pitocin. As the day goes on I feel every single contraction getting stronger and closer together. I ask for an epidural and after it kicked in, let me tell you, I felt great. Around 4 they check me again after I tell them that I feel like I need to push. The nurse says I’m at 10cm and ready to go. I start pushing and at 443 pm my sweet baby boy was born weighing 7lbs 13oz 21 inches long! My husband and I are sooo proud! 8 hour labor and only pushed for 43 minutes!