Scariest thing ever happened


So my 2 month old is not a good sleeper. Wakes up every 2 hours usually. Last night she was having a hard time, fussy, upset tummy, hard to comfort her. Put her to bed and she slept 4 hours (longest she’s slept)

She hadn’t woken up and I noticed she was still laying in the same position I put her in (never happens) so naturally I went over to feel her breathing. Put my hand to her face and couldn’t really feel her breathing. So I touched her lightly (normally she moves right away) didn’t move. Then I realllyy touched her and she still didn’t move. I picked her up really quick and she STILL WASNT AWAKE. After shaking her to wake up she finally woke up.

She didn’t cry. She slowly woke up and I fed her and she went back to sleep. Am I crazy or should she have not been sleeping that deep? And this is coming from a baby that is SUCH a light sleeper. I breathe and she wakes up.

I mean I literally PICKED HER UP and she didn’t wake up. Needless to say I had an out of body experience and just about passed out.