Three week old won’t sleep unless she’s held?

Ann • Very happily married💍Beautiful baby girl💗

This has been going on since she was born. Every time I try to put her down she wakes up. At night I’ll feed her (I’m breastfeeding), she’ll fall asleep for 2 to 3 hours in her bassinet, then wake up every hour and be awake for nearly 2 hours every time. I know she’s eating enough, I change her, and burp her so that’s not the issue. When me or my husband hold her on our chest she’ll go right to sleep but as soon as when’s put down she wakes and starts crying. Pacifier has been introduced and she seems to like it but when she falls asleep it falls out of her mouth and she cries. We’ve tried swaddling and half swaddling her. When she eats at night she’ll eat for about 1-5 minutes, fall asleep, then want to eat again 20 minutes later. This goes on night and day. Any ideas on what we can do?