More tests

Keagan • • mommy of an angel 👼🏼 • waiting for my 🌈 baby 👶🏼

The worst part about post miscarriage is when you want to TTC again.. but then once it’s time to start taking the pregnancy tests it all comes back to haunt you, “I shouldn’t have to be taking these” or “I should be pregnant with my baby, so and so weeks along”. I want to try again. I want my rainbow baby. But am I wrong? Am I wrong for trying so soon after having a miscarriage? I still have my depression episodes. They come and go, but when they come it’s like a storm that I can’t control. I have no idea, I feel so wrong trying to make another baby, after I lost my angel. I’m terrified to go through that again, not sure that I can handle it mentally. It was hard enough the first go around, let alone a possible second? I’m just worried, I guess. Needing a little advice is all...