Pregnant, Overweight and Always Hungry - Advice Please!!

Courtney • •Momma to a 7yr old beauty👩🏻 & an Angel Girl in Heaven 👼🏻 •StepMom to two amazing kiddos 👦🏻👩🏼 •14 months of TTC & Rainbow Boys due Jan 2020 🌈 🌈

So Glow says I’m 6 weeks pregnant. I don’t see my Dr. for another week and a half to confirm how far along I actually am.

But anyway, I’m already overweight, but quite a bit. The problem I’m having right now is, I feel like I’m always hungry. I’ll eat morning noon and night. And a snack here and there. But some days it’s just not enough. I’m so, so scared to gain too much weight during this pregnancy.

I’m trying my hardest to eat healthier options, but sometimes I feel like it doesn’t “fill me up”.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help suppress my appetite?