Driving me crazy

My LO is going to be 4 months on the 4th and he is driving me crazy. Sometimes he’s good but when he’s mad he’s MAD. If he’s tired or hungry he cry’s bloody murder. Trying to get him to nap is the worst. I could rock him to sleep for awhile and he finally falls asleep after crying for awhile and when I try to put him down he wakes right up and starts smiling at me. So I try to let him stay in his bed to see if he’ll fall asleep by him self but he won’t. He’ll end up fussing so I’ll go rub his chest and pat his but but nothing works so I have to try rocking him again and the same thing always happens so sometimes I let him let with me. Whenever he wakes up from his naps he screams and cry’s so hard I don’t know what to do to make him stop. I feel like I’m going crazy I hate seeing him cry like he’s in pain. Sometimes if he’s crying like that I’ll put a little baby sensory show on YouTube and he’ll watch that and stop crying or I’ll have to give him a bottle even tho he shouldn’t be hungry. When he does nap it’s usually like clock work he wakes up after 30-40 mins (he use to nap a lot longer) but he’s still yawning and rubbing his eyes but it’s so hard to get him to sleep again. Is anyone else going through this? Or any tips on what to do?