I've been a very good girl, I've been doing everything textbook perfect and honestly I've been going out of my mind a little bit. I swear the only thing that has occupied my time lately is doing my daily log, looking on Pinterest for future nursery ideas (p.s. I'm a loser and the whole thing is done, down to the pacifier this cute little squirt is going to use) and limiting everything I do based on a child that may or may not be conceived at this very moment. TTW you suck. I will not be defeated by you. So tonight when my sweet husband asked if he should pick up a 6 pack for me, instead saying no because blah blah blah it's not the best for TTC, I said yes. Having very much so a frozen Let It Go moment, flipping my freaking braid back and everything. And no I don't have kids and I've seen that movie bc it's awesome. Watch it if you haven't ladies, and drink a beer or have a glass of wine please. Tired of being consumed by my brain. Who's with me?!?