Please someone tell me if I’m overreacting

I’m 20 yrs old, my Significant other is 36 yrs old.

We have been together for a year.

Before I had gotten pregnant he and I would occasionally (maybe once a month) party with some friends and use a recreational drug that we would both only do a couple times and be done. Neither one of us are addicted. I have completely stopped and will never touch again said drug now knowing, I am 10 weeks pregnant with our child. We have both known about my pregnancy since 3 weeks. Btw, this pregnancy was unplanned.

My problem is, I have expressed my feelings about completely ending this lifestyle we had been living due to needing to grow up since we are pregnant with our first child. At first he lashed out on me and said he wasn’t going to change for anyone but the following morning he apologized and said he just felt like I was trying to change him and he promised it wouldn’t be in the house anymore and once everything was confirmed with my pregnancy, a lot of things were going to change. Well, it’s been confirmed my baby is doing perfect, and I assumed he would put those “changes” into effect immediately. Nothing has seemed to change and it’s been at least a month since I asked if we completely kick it out of our lives. now he makes me feel like I’m being ridiculous, and unreasonable, and wants to know where this is all coming from since I was fine with it before I was pregnant. Today I broke down, in a fit of rage and emotions because it’s the first day of his vacation and he made the statement he was going to go to a buddies house (to do this drug) and party since he didn’t have work the following day. i had gotten very upset because like I said, I have tried to talk to him about growing up and ending this lifestyle since we are soon to be parents. All he kept saying to me was “so this is all because you can’t do it anymore”, “where is all this coming from”, “how long has it been since I did it last” and such.

Which none of his questions have anything to do with how I feel.

I don’t want it to be in either of our lives anymore whether in our house or out of our house because I want to focus on GROWING UP and making sure everything is perfect for our child, but he is making me feel like I’m being ridiculous.

I’ve cut anything and everything that could harm my baby, my future, anything! And all I want is the same courtesy from him.

I need help! I don’t know what to do, or how to help him realize that I do not want this drug to be in our lives anymore. I don’t know how to explain this to him without him saying I’m being over dramatic.

I don’t feel like I’m being over dramatic because a fear I have is, he has never been caught but what if his “once every couple months”, that one night he does it, he gets caught, or does something stupid and then I’m going to have to raise our child myself. I do not care how careful someone is, there is always still a chance of winding up in trouble. I won’t deal with him doing it in or out of my house once my child is born. I want him to stop now so I am sure he won’t once my baby is here but he just doesn’t seem to care!

He literally makes me feel like I should be okay with him going out and doing this 1. While I am pregnant with his child. And 2. Completely fine with it all since I’ve done it before.

How can I help him realize he needs to grow the fuck up!?!