Totally unexpected!

We weren't TTC at all (we have an 11 month old son, the thought of having more kids was planned WAY into our future, not now!)

It's come as a huge shock to me and I am kind of freaking out! My son was born with Congenital Hypothyroidism and he has proven to be the most difficult, most stressful experience I have ever had to deal with in my 28 years of life. He is a bad sleeper, CONSTANTLY hungry (every second of every day he has to have some sort of food sorts in his hands and mouth), he is super cranky all the time, super frustrated all the time. He is just HARD WORK.

and well now... I have another fetus growing inside of me!!! Oh the panic is real ha!!!

I got my BFP yesterday - Please somebody tell me having babies close together is easier and not 100 times more difficult?! Hahahaaa...