Help get baby to sleep in bassinet

My LO hates sleeping in her bassinet. I spend a couple hours each night trying to get her to sleep in there. I never wanted to co sleep but literally the only way my LO will go to sleep is if she’s laying on my chest. So after I can’t get her to sleep I eventually have been giving up and letting her sleep on me. Well there’s no way I’m doing that anymore because I just woke up to my baby screaming because she was in the middle of us face down with her head shoved in between my SO shoulder and a pillow. She must have rolled off my chest without me waking up, which is weird because I’m usually a VERY light sleeper. Please no mom shaming i already feel horrible and I realize how bad that could have been. 😭😭 Once I picked her up she was fine but obviously that’s enough for me to not let her sleep in our bed at all anymore. But I’m worried about not getting any sleep at all because she will not sleep in her bassinet. Does anyone have any tips? I don’t know what to do and I feel like such a bad mom 😢