Told my husband and about to tell my parents!

So my husband and I have been ttc for about 14 months. We have tried everything from opks, temping, tracking cm, soft discs, putting my legs in the air, you name it we tried it.

So this cycle i sucked at tracking anything because we were in Hawaii for vacation around the time of ovulation. Fast forward to May 28, I took my first pregnancy test for the cycle and to my surprise, it was positive! So I took another, positive! I couldn’t stop shaking! I ugly cried for 5 minutes in the bathroom before I got myself together and got ready for work and decide how I was going to tell my husband.

On my way to work, I texted my friend to tell her.

She helped me create the most perfect gift to give to my husband on our 3 year anniversary 😭 she created it all that day and I gave it to him the following day. Let me tell you, it was SO hard to keep this secret 😂 but when I gave it to him, we both cried. (I know the test looks negative in this picture, it was my very first one and suuuuuper light. I promise I’m pregnant 😉

So after a ton of brainstorming, I finally came up with the way I want to tell our parents! I’ll be mailing them out sometime this week!

I know it is still early and anything could happen, but I am hopeful for this pregnancy! My family knows we have been struggling and have already gotten fertility testing done, so regardless of what happens, I am glad I will have them to support me 💕