i’m only 16.


Today’s date is 6-2-19 , i’m typing this because i don’t know how much longer i’ll be alive. i’m hurting so much and no one believes me , they all think i’m lying. depression is real, my mom thinks i’m lying about having it. i think she thinks i’m lying because my cousin had depression and she took her own life. she see’s past me crying at night and it makes me think she doesn’t care. i’ve never felt truly love because i know no everyone doesn’t knows what real love is or feels like. i’m only 16 years old and i know that the worlds crazy. i see what most people’s don’t about life. everyone thinks i’m crazy. i may be crazy but i’m trying to be normal. even tho there’s no set definitely of “being normal” i still try. and it’s hard. trying so hard to fit in and working so hard for no one too even see it. i had to work hard to be where i’m at in my life and no one says anything. i’m a very active student, i’m in a lot of programs and after school activities and no one see what i’m doing. but when i don’t do anything i get all negative attention. it sucks being a teenager going threw all this because i have no one to talk to. everyone will judge me and tell everyone and just make fun of me . it happened to me before. it sucks feeling like this and having no one to talk to because they’ll say i’m crazy. i’m only 16 and i seen the worst of people , i’m only 16 and already tried taking my life more then 5 times , i’m 16 and don’t feel loved at all, i’m 16 and i’m so tired.