My ex has died.

I have no idea to how to feel. Is it wrong of me to be upset and hurt, that my ex has passed? We dated when I was 16 (4/5 years ago) we had a miscarriage together. He had cheated on me, lied to me, and overall just played me. But I loved him. He did want to be there for the peanut and I know he would’ve been an amazing father. He was there through some really tough times. He was still my friend after breaking up and we had even tried to work things out multiple times over the time we’ve known each other. I’ve since moved on and I’m also worried that if I show I’m upset my so will get mad and feel insecure and may even make me feel shitty for feeling the way I do. I don’t have like any friends to talk to. I don’t really have anybody but my family, so, and a few co workers. Please help me.

I just want to thank you all for the input and help. I’ve slowly started mourning. The hubby actually asked me tonight if I’m okay. So we talked a bit about it. It was helpful.