Oml my moms going to be so mad 😨

Alicia • 22• Michigan

So our dog ruined our old screen door because he couldn’t see it and ran through. That part wasn’t his fault but more mine because I didn’t tell him to wait. We got a new back door and screen cus it was well overdue. He ran through the new screen a few times and a hole started forming but it wasn’t that bad. I started telling him to wait. Well now I tie him to this leash thing we have so he can’t go over by the fence and mess with the neighbors dogs and can’t run into the front yard. I make him wait, I clip him to the leash and then let him go. Many times he’s come back to the door and been fine standing there but I guess this time I didn’t get him fast enough so he pushed his way through the screen and now it’s totally ruined. My mom is asleep and I am definitely not waking her up for this but she’s going to be so mad. The screen and door aren’t that old. 😰thankfully i think they are only around 100-200 so it’s not an arm and a leg for my mom to pay but I feel horrible. She’s a nurse so she’s got decent pay but she shouldn’t have to. And i did get money from grad but I’m using it for a computer for college. I only got around $600 and the computer I’m getting is actually more than that so my aunt is helping me get it and I’m paying her back when I can. I don’t have a job yet but I’m hoping I can work it out with her to pay her back eventually when I get hired. I called my grandma and she said you can get these things at supply stores that go over the door to prevent the dog from going through. I hope my mom doesn’t get too mad because with a dog stuff like this is almost unavoidable. I made him go in his bed and told him in a stern voice how bad he was so he knows he’s in trouble. But she’s gonna be so mad ugh.

Edit: I duck taped the shit out of the door so at least it’s not just open anymore. Hopefully that’ll hold it until I can find a way to pay for it. I can’t use my grad money because I need it for my computer however I will do all the chores and give her the first real paycheck I get for the door.

Side note: this was and wasn’t an accident. When he would run through the door it was because he couldn’t see it. He pushed his way through the screen. I couldn’t just not do anything. I don’t hit him. But he did something bad I can’t not punish him. It’s like putting a kid in time out. He’s in timeout.