Pacifier Guilt 😩

Rebekah • 👩🏼+🧔🏾=👶🏽

My little guy is 2 1/2 weeks old and a couple nights ago he was wanting to nurse, but not really eating, just sucking, and I was soooo sleepy and so was he and even though we were positioned laying down side-by-side, whenever he would fall asleep he’d fall off the boob and get mad and I’d have to get him back on...

So anyways, I dug through a bag of his random stuff and found the paci someone gave us and he took right to it and fell asleep.

Since then I’ve given it to him in his car seat or when he’s clearly not hungry anymore but still wants to suck.

And I know it’s dumb, but I feel guilty about it! I’m afraid I’ll ruin his latch or he’ll get addicted to it and have to be sucking something all the time. Anyone else feel this way? Got any other solutions? 😥🤧