Maybe? Please say maybe!

So took this yesterday and to my complete surprise, I think I see a very very faint line. Do you see it? I will retest in a couple days but would be the greatest news for my husband with Father's Day coming up if so! Maybe I'm just overly hopeful... infertility sucks!

Update: so took this one today

... this one seems a bit more obvious but still is so faint. I am reading and taking pic within the window (3-5 minuted). But makes me worry since I have read so much about indents and evap lines. Also sort of wondering if it is possible that since I had <a href="">fertility treatment</a> with Hcg that it could still be in my system? But that was shot was 2 weeks ago! I've taken the same strip tests multiple times since my first with about the same level of faintness so switched it up.