Ultrasound today!


This pregnancy has been an emotional rollercoaster! I have two healthy babies (boy and girl) and have had two misscarriages. With my two healthy pregnancies I had crippling morning sickness but with my two pregnancies that ended in miscarriage I didn't. I'm now 6 weeks and 5 days according to lmp or 6 weeks 2 days according to ovulation date, I've had my hcg tested 4 times, all doubling within 48-72hours and occasionally have morning sickness. My head is all over the place and I've spent a lot of time reading stories about others having completely different pregnancies and all being ok. I'm not sure what news the ultrasound will bring today, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. 🙏


I've had my scan and they saw the baby and the heartbeat (120bpm). The baby measured at 6 weeks but my doctor said that it's very give or take with measurements when they're that small. I get to have another scan in a couple of weeks. I really thought the scan would have provided more reassurance than it has. But without the severe morning sickness I'm going to continue to drive myself crazy!!