3 or 4 cm dilated 😬

Priscilla • Married 🥰. 12yo DS, 3yo DD, Due Date 11/10/22

I went to L&D this morning at 11 for contractions that were 2-3 m apart. I’m 31w and 5d and seems like I’m 3 or 4 cm dilated. The nurse vaginally checked and she said 3, the ultrasound tech said I’m 4. Over all baby is doing great, I was given 3 bags of fluid and we were discharged at 5:00pm, i was only prescribed antibiotics for what looked like the beginning stages of a UTI. I’m a little worried that I’m that far dilated. I was 3cm dilated with my son at 37 weeks and I was induced but that was 9 years ago. My OB says she isn’t concerned until I’m 5 cm dilated. I was also told I would stay where I am until I’m full term. Anyone else go through something similar?