My heart is broken 😪

Aniyah 🇻🇮

Hey Ladies, so I got out of a toxic relationship in January and thought that I’d never be happy again. After that break up, I decided to focus on myself and making myself happy. Then I met this guy last month, who also wasn’t looking for anything and just wanted to be single and independent. As time goes on we begin hanging out and falling for one another, things are started to get serious and I’m beginning to see myself spending the rest of me life with him. He’s everything that I’ve wanted and more. When I got out of out my relationship in January I prayed to God about what I wanted in my next man and that I’ll focus on myself now. And the guy that I’m with now, turns out to be the guy that I prayed for. Here’s where the broken-hearted piece comes in.....a couple days ago, he tells me that he has leukemia and that he doesn’t have much time left. This is something that only a few know and he didn’t really want to tell me because he wasn’t expecting for us to get serious. All I’m asking for is your prayers. Healing for him and strength for me when the time comes. 💙