Extreme thirst in a 16 month old - should I be concerned?

Moms, I need a second (or third or fourth) opinion on something. I need to know if I’m right to be concerned or if I’m just being concerned because it’s “familiar”.

My 3 year old nephew is a type 1 diabetic. He was diagnosed at around 20-23 months old. I am very much involved in his care. I go to what endocrinologist appointments I can, I know how to work his CGM & his insulin pump, I’m almost as informed as his mother (my sister).

For the last 3 months my 16 month old daughter has had an extreme thirst. When I first noticed it I brought it up to my sister. She said it could just be a phase or she just really likes the taste of what she’s drinking. She said I was just being dramatic & symptom hunting. But, now that it’s been a while & it hasn’t gotten any better I’m getting very concerned.

Every time you hand her a drink she sucks it down like she hasn’t had a drink in days. It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be water, juice, she’s even grabbed my soda out of my hands today because she wanted it to bad. I of course took my soda back & have her water. Took her less than 3 minutes to drink the whole sippy cup I gave her. I try to make her slow down but she fights me. She’ll kick, punch, scream... plus if she actually IS thirsty I don’t want to deny her needs.

She has to always have a drink going & she’ll take yours if she doesn’t have her own.

This is one of the first symptoms we noticed when my nephew was diagnosed.

Am I right to be concerned? Is this just a phase or something I need to correct? I just don’t want to make a big stink over her being thirsty.

OH! I also forgot to add, I don’t know how 🤦🏻‍♀️ my husband, her dad, just found out he’s hypoglycemic. He had his annual checkup & when they tested his blood sugar it was 44. So stuff like that runs very close in the family.