has anyone’s male dog became aggressive after being neutered??

So my dog bruno is almost 2 years old. We’ve had him around my boyfriends little sister all they time, they would watch him while we’re on vacation for a week at a time with no problem, we got him neutered in January and ever since then I’ve seen some aggression, I’ve had him at the vet 6 times since then bc his incision wasn’t healing properly and the one time the vet bent down to look at his belly and he growled, well a month or so later my boyfriends mom kept them for one night and he bit his three year old sister in her face it wasn’t bad no stitches or anything but then tonight we had her over thinking he did it because he was on Prozac for his incision, but he knipped at her again the same spot tonight because she was touching him. Also at the vet the other day he bent down and tried to look at his belly and he latched onto his shirt and ripped it. I’m not sure what to do here 😩